Ahmed H. Almarfadi
Chief Financial Officer
Ahmed H. Almarfadi
Chief Financial Officer
Ahmed’s financial acumen, vision, and leadership abilities have elevated Al Mashrik to new levels of strategic growth and company productivity.
With a background in finance and certification as a CPA, Ahmed brings transformative financial and cost-savings lenses to the business. He also played a key role in Al Mashrik’s recent corporate restructuring and visioning efforts, which have laid the groundwork for growth and development.
Before joining Al Mashrik, Ahmed held roles with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and Ernst and Young (EY).
As a perfectionist who strives for excellence, “good to great” is just the first step to him. “Great to greatest” is his ultimate goal. It is with this goal in mind that he continually works with the executive team to define Al Mashrik’s roadmap to growth and sustain its commitment to excellence.